Product Overview
Our special blend of 52% dark chocolate or milk chocolate enhanced with an award-winning spicy peperoncino infused extra virgin olive oil imported from the Umbria region of Italy. Each bar is 1-1/2 oz.
Choose milk chocolate or dark chocolate.
Pack of three bars.
The story behind our Olive Oil Chocolates
During a chocolate tour of Italy, we had the opportunity to taste a very special chocolate.
We discovered that, using a special process, extra virgin olive oil had been added to the chocolate. After some coaxing, the shopkeeper was willing to explain the process to us. Even though we had some knowledge of Italian, several important details were missed in the translation. When we returned home, we began to experiment with some of the flavor-infused olive oils that we had purchased on our trip. After many tries, we were finally successful. In 2014, we debuted our bars at a wine and chocolate festival in Vermont. They were an instant success! Today, our Olive Oil Chocolates have become an important addition to our vast line of homemade chocolates.
The addition of extra virgin olive oil to our chocolate adds a new layer of flavor, bringing a new dimension to the chocolate; making it smooth and creamy, with just a hint of flavor from the infused olive oil.
Our olive oil is an award-winning cold press extra virgin olive oil that is imported from the Umbria region of Italy. As with all of our chocolates, our bars are made in very small batches to insure freshness.